Saturday, May 30, 2009

Marinated Chicken

This recipe for chicken marinade has become a staple in our household. It is scrumptious, especially on the grill! :)

And... a tip to go along with the recipe...

**If you need the marinade for a meat to work faster, use less oil. It will taste like it was marinated longer than you really did. :)

Italian Chicken Marinade

1 (0.7 oz) packet Italian Salad Dressing Mix (Good Seasons)
1/3 C. oil (olive, canola - whatever you have on hand)
1/3 C. lemon juice

Mix the marinade ingredients together. Pound out 4-6 chicken breasts to thin them out. Put the chicken and the marinade together in a large plastic bag and seal it shut. Work the marinade around in the bag so it gets to all the pieces, then lay it flat on a plate or pan in the fridge (in case of any leaks). Halfway through your marinating time, flip the bag over. Before grilling, shake the marinade off of each piece of chicken. Yummy!



  1. It's one of my favorites too! I will vary the oil I use sometimes, and I also will use different acids, balsalmic vinegar, lime juice, red wine vinegar. Yum, Yum.

    (It is good on fish too)

  2. Thanks for the dinner tip---and it sounds so easy! Simple and scrumptious--how can you beat that?

  3. I enjoy lemon chicken and I like to put citrus fruit on my food too.If you want more recipes or if you want to take a look at the collection of tips I have for grilling you can visit
