So, we took a week off from television and the internet/computer last week. I appreciate that I haven't lost my wonderful readers in that time! At least, I hope I haven't. :) Here are a few things I learned about myself and my family during that week:
1. I like the quiet of the TV not being on.
2. I store a lot of my recipes on my computer. :(
3. I still love to read. (I read four of the Anne of Green Gables books in 6 days!)
4. My kids will not shrivel up and die without television, much to their surprise (but not mine).
5. My kids have a lot of great toys and we have a fabulous collection of board games.
6. A little television/internet is a good thing when it comes to the news/weather report -- it would have been nice not to be so surprised by the foot of snow we got on Wednesday morning. Yikes!
7. I really did spend more time on the computer than I was aware of. Not any more! (I got SO much done this past week!)
8. My kids play with each other more without the TV on. And most of the time, they get along!
9. The more time that went by without the television or computer, the easier it got.
10. I really like the option of turning on the television and/or computer every once in a while (I gotta be honest!) - but my time using each "modern convenience" will be significantly less than it was before this past week "off."
We decided as a family that we would take Sundays off permanently from TV and the computer/internet. I challenge anyone who wants to re-prioritize their time to consider taking a few days "off." It will really make a difference!
Sounds like a good idea to me, I know I spend way to much time on the computer. I just have to find a time when it would work, maybe in between semesters for my husbands sake, it wouldn't be fair to him to say no computer in the middle of a semester. Good idea, I'm excited to try it.